Saturday, January 31, 2009

As a new years resolution in addition to the ubiquitous loose weight and work out I have decided to become a local-vore. I really don't believe in factory farmed foods (for both health and idealocial reasons), so why support it with my heard earned cash? I am looking to purchase local and sustainable foods, relying largely on my local farmer's market for groceries, recognizing that most of their farms are organic as well but may not be able to afford the accreditation. As I become more familiar with the farms I hope to learn more about their farming practices as well as the farms themselves by eventually visiting them. I plan on only eating from the NY tri state area, however I have no qualms admitting I am a poor student living on a cooks salary. Add to this a penchant for burgers, wings and onion dip along side of truffles, fois gras and good wine and I whole heatedly recognize that the temptation to "cheat" will definitely be there -- and I plan to be honest about when I do. With that said I felt there was the need to lay some "ground rules" as there are certain foods that have always been imported and, as in the case of coffee, I must continue to get them imported to merely function. Below is the list of foods that I will not purchase locally but attempt to get organic, sustainable and fair trade where applicable.


Thus far I have come to realize that I am in desprate need of an herb garden (I really am lost cooking with out them), beyond that I plan to get everything else I cook locally. As a cook and food studies student I still have to taste at work and eat out so I guess there is the one constant cheat I am giving myself. But really I think its more imortant that society vote with their dollars and so I will make the efforts to choose restaurants that purchase sustainable products.